Hi there!
I had to reach out and make contact with you as I have become aware of your doodles through one of your clients, Alison Mahoney. I am helping her with the training of her pup from your Chili x Harriet breeding that went out at the beginning of December. I am so impressed by this dog and breeding that I just wanted to reach out and say good work! It is a joy to train a dog so well-tempered and bred. As I have trained a number of therapy/assistance dogs and continually train even the “average” family dogs in my community, it is refreshing to see a fantastic temperament. I will be passing your information along to clients as good breeders are very difficult to find these days! Thank you for all you do! Best regards, Jessica Honor Service Dogs Trainer, Advisory Board Member
I'm always so happy to hear from families who have bought one of our puppies. I love hearing stories about what they're like as adults and how they are now a much loved part of a family.
January 2024